The Crossing of the Red Sea and the Crossing of the Jordan River
The Crossing of the Red Sea and the Crossing of the Jordan River: What New Testament Truths Do These Crossings Symbolize? The crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel speaks of an essential New Testament truth. Similarly, the crossing of the Jordan River by the children of Israel also pictures another vital New Testament truth. One general observation we can make right from the beginning is that in crossing the Red Sea, the children of Israel were coming OUT OF something bad. In the crossing of the Jordan River, the children of Israel were coming INTO something essentially good, but not without its challenges. And in between, there was a desert or wilderness. The reader can look up Exodus 14 and read about the great deliverance out of Egypt that God wrought for the children of Israel when He parted the waters of the Red Sea. 13 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid.…