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    The Entire Temple and Acts Chapter 2

    We have seen the relevance of the symbols in the Holy of Holies in this book.  Now let’s look at the entire tabernacle and see how it all fits together.  The Holy of Holies was certainly the heart of the temple (tabernacle), yet there was much more to the temple than its heart.  How to be saved is found at the entrance to the temple. The Entire Temple and Acts Chapter 2 We are going to see the fulfillment of the main symbols in the Hebrew temple, in Acts chapter 2.  From Acts 2:37 where the apostle Peter was giving the gospel message on how to be saved, through the very last verse in Acts 2, the main points of the temple were fulfilled. The last verse, verse 47, was where the believers were “praising God and having favor with all the people.”  Let’s start with Peter’s message: 37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart,…

  • Teachings


    RESUMEN Perteneciendo a la obra de la cruz, el significado del pan y la copa del senor se pueden resumir en lo siguiente: EL PAN LA COPA Liberacion Del Pecado Perdon Por El Pecado Liberacion Del Poder Del Pecado Liberacion De La Condena Del Pecado Santification Justificacion Crucificado Con Cristo Perdon En Cristo Liberacion Del Pecado Liberacion De La Muerte Libericaion Del Pecado Y Del Yo Liberacion De La Muerte Autoridad Sobre El Pecado Y El Yo La (Maldiciones) Autoridad Sobre Muerte Libericaion Del Pecado Y Del Yo Liberacion De La Muerte Autoridad Sobre El Pecado Y El Yo La Autoridad Sobre(Maldiciones) Autoridad Sobre El Diablo Y Su Suministro De Muerte Por Abiladad El Diablo Y Sus Maldiciones En Mantenernos Esclavisados Alguna Area De Nuestra Vida A Alguna O Cualquier Pecado Siertamente Llevo El Nuestras El Quebro La Maldicion De Las Enfermedades, Y Sufrio Nuestros Enfermedades (Isa. 53: 5 Mar.)  (2: 5-12 Sant. 5: 14-15) Que Se Ven Como  Penalidad Por…

  • Teachings

    We Are not Saved by Good Works, But For The Purpose of Good Works

    Saved by Good Works or For the Purpose of Good Works? Most Protestants have the correct understanding that a person’s good works will not save them, or get them to heaven. The phrase, “not saved by good works,” has rightfully become one of the rallying truths of the Protestant movement. But, I have personally heard many a Protestant present the gospel to an unbeliever by stating that salvation has nothing to do with good works. I have heard many a Protestant teacher disparage and diminish the importance of what people do in reference to their relationship with God. They say that we are not on a performance basis with God. I have heard many, many Protestant teachers promote their understanding of imputed righteousness to the point of flat out saying, “you can do whatever you please because God’s imputed righteousness through Christ saves you no matter what you do.” In fact, many Protestants believe that for those in Christ, God…

  • Teachings

    Baptism And The Unleavened Bread Of Communion Have Similar Meanings

    I want to show in this article that the meaning underlying Baptism and the meaning of the unleavened bread of Communion are very similar. Baptism is ideally performed right near the point of conversion of the believer. The bread of Communion is eaten periodically throughout the believer’s life to edify him, and strengthen his faith. It could be accurately said that the unleavened bread of Communion takes the Baptismal theme or message and repeats it, thereby establishing it in the believer’s heart. The bread of Communion then expands upon the Baptismal theme by showing how it fits in with teaching on the Christian life, with teaching on the Kingdom of God, and with teaching on the Body of Christ (1Corinthians 10:17)which is the church of Jesus Christ. The bread of Communion along with the cup of Communion, also graphically show how there are two fundamental themes to Christ’s death: forgiveness for sins (the cup) and deliverance from sin (the bread,…

  • Teachings

    Baptism: Real Repentance and a Biblical View of Salvation

    37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,” Men and brethren, what shall we do?” 38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 3 Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4 Baptism, like Communion, is a gift from God meant to help believers in Christ. For example, Baptism and Communion were used in scripture, and in teaching throughout the history of the Christian church, to…