Posts by category
- Category: Teachings
- Understanding the Bread of the Lord’s Supper
- Understanding the Cup of the Lord’s Supper
- The Entire Temple and Acts Chapter 2
- THE Revival Message
- The Ark of the Covenant in the Temple and the Four Faces of the Living Creatures
- Sinful Human Nature Parallels the Four Faces of the Living Creatures
- Summarizing the Bread & Cup of the Lord’s Supper
- The Crossing of the Red Sea and the Crossing of the Jordan River
- The Feast of the Passover and the Feast of the Unleavened Bread
- It’s What You Are
- Slaying the Me Monster
- Jesus Died to Get You UNSTUCK on YOURSELF
- Is it Manna or Unleavened Bread?
- The Cross and the Holy Spirit
- The Two Pictures of the Cross
- The Gospel of His Body and His Blood
- Summary of The Gospel of His Body and His Blood
- The Unleavened Bread of Communion Symbolizes the Church
- Baptism And The Unleavened Bread Of Communion Have Similar Meanings
- Baptism: Real Repentance and a Biblical View of Salvation
- We Are not Saved by Good Works, But For The Purpose of Good Works
- The Bread of Affliction
- The Body is for Doing, The Blood is the Life of the Body
- Deliverance From Sin And Death
- Deliverance Into Godliness And Life
- The Taste of the Bread & the Taste of the Cup
- The Unleavened Bread Primarily Means Sanctification & Righteousness
- Communing with His Body and Blood
- Español
- Category: Videos
- ► The Entire Temple and Acts Chapter 2 (VIDEOS)
- ► The Revival Message – Acts 2:38 (VIDEO)
- ► Introduction to the Four Faces of the Living Creatures (VIDEOS)
- ► The Feast of Passover & The Feast of Unleavened Bread (VIDEO)
- ► The Amazing Symbolic Value of the Unleavened Bread (VIDEO)
- ► It’s what you are (VIDEO)
- ► Five Kinds of Promises: Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven